Inbound Marketing Blog by protocol 80

Google Chrome OS

Written by protocol 80 | July 10, 2009 // 10:28 AM

I thought everyone should end their Friday with a chuckle..


Ok...well you probably only found this amusing if your are a search nerd or tech geek, but I thought it was worth sharing. Thank you to Adam Ostrow at for bringing it to my attention.

Prior to the announcement of Google's Chrome OS, Italian artist Federico Fieni shared this cartoon. Who would have thought it would be so relevant only months later? Google's Chrome OS which is set to be released late in 2010 will be geared mostly towards netbooks and is said to be able to startup in seconds. Much of the OS is web based, meaning many features will be launched via the internet allowing the limited netbooks to run at a faster rate. It has been speculated for quite a long time now that Google would release an OS of their own, but with the growing popularity of netbooks, there is no better time than now.

What will this mean for Microsoft, users, and even Google? I can't answer that accurately, but don't be surprised if the Chrome OS grows in popularity as quickly as the Chrome browser did. When not using SEO plugins on Firefox, Chrome is my go-to browser. As people begin to use the Chrome OS, which no doubt will be used optimally with the Chrome browser, expect the browser to gain even more browser market share. Users...hopefully you like other Google products because I am sure it will be similar.

I wonder if ads will show up on the desktop?

Technorati Tags: Google Chrome OS