Inbound Marketing Blog by protocol 80

Efficiency through CRM | Managing HubSpot for Multiple Companies

Written by JoEllen Wankel | November 22, 2022 // 4:41 PM

Juggling data for multiple brands can be a challenge. Finding the right combination of segmentation and availability will enhance your productivity and cut down on unnecessary steps in the reporting process. 

3 Setup Options for HubSpot When Managing Multiple Accounts

From data management to brand identity, there are a lot of balls to juggle when managing multiple brands under one parent organization. HubSpot provides different solutions for this, tailored to your company’s needs. Various approaches can be configured to maximize their ease of use and accessibility while also limiting access based on team needs.

 The most popular options include: 

  1. Single login in with Business Units
  2. Single login with Multiple Domains
  3. Multiple logins

These three options provide access to information for a variety of brands either in one place (via single login) or in separate accounts. The best option for your company will depend on what features you prioritize: 

1. Single Login with Business Units


Using a single HubSpot login with business units provides the segmentation needed for each business and allows across-brand reporting with minimal hassle. 

What are business units?

Business units are a method of segmentation available through HubSpot that allows a parent company to oversee and use data for multiple companies in one location. The account has a single login, with contacts and campaign information divided by brand. 

Brand identity can be retained, even with multiple brands under the same login. Brand kits are available, which coordinate logos and color schemes for the individual brands. Meanwhile, each brand’s emails and subscriptions can be aligned with the brand’s identity. 

Multiple brands organized under a single login also opens the door to more efficient: 

  • Cross-selling & upselling
  • Data management 
  • Performance analysis
  • Reporting 

One noteworthy benefit of this option is the unique market email footer based on the business unit. This keeps information unique to that brand,  and tisfies necessary legal requirements. 

2. Single Login with Multiple Domains


Using the single login with multiple domains option allows for hosting multiple websites and blogs - each on a unique domain - while keeping them centrally located. 

Using the Marketing Hub Enterprise (one of the options available through HubSpot), contacts can be partitioned, or grouped by brand to have them grouped by brand. Contact partitioning allows users to access specific sets of contacts without receiving access to those who are intentionally segmented.

In addition, report creation involving information from different brands is a possibility with this login option. This simplifies the process for those who need to include information from various brands in one report for stakeholders.

Investors who are involved with more than one brand benefit from reports including the data, and having that data accessible through one entry point cuts down on time spent gathering information for the reports that are compiled monthly. 

Of note – if the account is not partitioned, all email footers will be the same, as the email associated with the primary domain dictates the email footer used.

3. Multiple Logins (Separate Accounts for Each Business)


This option involves using HubSpot resources while maintaining a high level of separation for your various brands. This option could be the best due to legal reasons for separation or if your business locations are spread out. 

Where does this approach work best? 

A franchise where the parent company oversees all marketing needs, but locations are individually owned, is a prime example of when using multiple logins makes sense. 

Meanwhile, in terms of marketing strategy, this option may be best for companies with a need to keep all information separate. Also, this approach is ideal for those who require the ability to track marketing assets, including contact information data, to a specific company. 

The downside to this approach is two-fold:

  1. Contacts are kept in each account, making it difficult to cross-sell or upsell. 
  2. Report creation where data is included from the various brands will be difficult without third-party software. 

Opting for Effectiveness: Choosing HubSpot for Multiple Companies


Managing brand identity, campaign progress, and contact information for various businesses can be a challenge. Finding the right setup for your HubSpot account makes relevant data and contact information available to those needing it. 

Supercharge Your HubSpot Account Management

Staff members at protocol80 can help you better understand the best route to take when setting up your HubSpot account. Talk to Alec about your CRM needs.