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February 12

Turn Website Visitors Into Customers Without Ecommerce

If you are a business and you have a website (and you'd better...), your first question should be obvious: How do I turn website visitors into customers? This question gets a little trickier for businesses that don't sell directly online through ecommerce. Companies that sell a service or products that don't lend themselves to being sold online (e.g., custom manufactured goods, high dollar/volume sales, products or services with long sales processes) may be left wondering if there's any hope for generating real customers through their website. The Short Answer... Absolutely-YES! A business that doesn't sell through ecommerce can absolutely turn website visitors into customers. The actual sale won't happen online, but acquiring the initial lead, nurturing them down the sales funnel and ultimately getting them to make a buying decision can absolutely happen online. If you've read many of our posts you've no doubt heard us talk about Inbound Marketing at length. One of the reasons we ...

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Content Is About More Than SEO

Content, content, content! You know you need it, but do you fully understand why? Sure, SEO is one reason, but SEO won't build trust with and convert website visitors! Content is about more than SEO.

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Video - Agenda For Your First Inbound Marketing Meeting

Your first Inbound Marketing meeting should set the tone for your entire strategy. Use this agenda to get your whole team on the same page and paint a clear picture of what success looks like.

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January 30

Improve B2B Sales With Online Leads

Every business has their ups and downs with sales volumes whether they are seasonal, cyclical or just random. Every business wished this wasn't the case!! We work with many B2B companies that have a sales staff that relies on the same tactics they have used for years. Some have a "big show" they attend every year. Others rely solely on referrals and have for 20 years. These sources of new clients are very predictable and competitive. For that reason, many are looking to improve B2B sales by generating leads online. Know Your Best Buyers If you are going to generate leads online, you should focus on generating leads that convert into best buyers. If you can control it (and you can), why would you generate any other lead type? We want the best of the best! The most effective way to generate leads that convert into best buyers is to spend the time to research and produce your Buyer Personas. I won't dwell on what they are here because we've written about buyer personas several times in ...

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