Effective Inbound Marketing Is NOT A Project
The majority of our clients are small businesses with no full time marketing staff. In fact, many do no marketing at all. That's why when they look to redesign their website and improve their SEO, they look at it like a project. They think they will give it their focus for a couple of months and it will be behind them, "running" in the background, "hopefully" generating leads for them. Like most things in life, effective inbound marketing, the kind that generates leads and helps to grow a business, is not a project that you do once, and then set it and forget it until the next time you decide to focus on it. Effective Inbound Marketing Is Not A Ron Popeil Product Inbound marketing should be an ongoing effort that is on any business owner or executive's regularly reviewed processes. Why? Because you won't always be able to rely on those core clients that pay your bills. When one of them goes in a new direction and picks your competitor over you, do you want it to be because they did a ...
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