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    • Call Anytime: 1-814-596-0020

SEO Checklist for Starting Work With a New SEO Provider

Prepare this checklist when choosing a new SEO provider. Whether you are coming from a previous Search Engine Optimization (SEO) provider or starting work with your first one, follow this SEO checklist so that you can provide them with accurate details that start them off on the right foot!

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Google Panda 4.1 - What it Means for Small Business Websites

With all of the talk of Pandas, Penguins, Pigeons you might be bit confused. You may be even more confused if you Googled these things and came across a website that explains them in a fashion that is just too difficult to understand. Don't get frustrated. This information is important, but I'd like to explain it to you in a very basic way.

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September 24

Why Manufacturers Fail at Lead Generation

Manufacturers must start thinking about how they generate leads online.

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September 12

Is Blogging Still Important?

Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to generate a positive ROI

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September 11

An Example of Why You Should Use an Email Marketing Platform

Email marketing is a great way to stay top-of-mind with your current customers, past customers, leads, etc. These are individuals that want to hear what you have to say, however you must continue to add value or else they will unsubscribe from your list. Many businesses have considered email marketing platforms, but still tend to send email from an internal source such as Outlook. There are many reasons that businesses should be using a 3rd party platform such as Mailchimp, but today I am going to show an example of just one.

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August 29

5 Articles from the Week for You to Enjoy - Curated Goodness

It's Labor Day Weekend. Here are some great articles you can read over the next few days! The PPC Search Network Campaign Launch Checklist This is a comprehensive list of things you need to be sure are in line before just jumping into a PPC campaign starting with building an account all the way through tracking. Author: Pauline Jakober Why Dark Posts Are the Best Facebook Advertising Strategy Right Now A "Dark Post" is a tactic of using new feed style ads, but they are not actually published on the news feed of your Facebook page. This article explains why it is a good strategy (for the time begin) and how Dark Posts actually work. Author: John Jantsch US CMOs Rank Their Biggest Concerns Find out what tops the list of concerns for US Chief Marketing Officers. I found it interesting that only 13% of the respondents answered "Aligning Marketing with the Overall Business Strategy" as their biggest worry. I'm sure that this is greater for small businesses that have a marketing budget and ...

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August 29

Labor Day 2014

Labor Day is upon us! How much do you actually know about labor day? Here are a few pieces of info we thought were interesting. Please feel free to download and share.

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