Many of you are probably in some sort of marketing role at your job, which is why you're taking the time to read this article. In many cases you may be the go to marketing person, but still not be the ultimate decision maker. This can be a frustrating situation, because you realize the importance of good design, fresh/unique/valuable content, social media, email marketing, etc., but it's an uphill battle of actually convincing the decision maker to move forward with these things. You may have even gotten them to the point where they realize 'we need a new website'. OK, that's a start...but these days, it's not enough. A new website without traffic, conversions, leads, and sales is only better than your old website in regards to how it looks and (maybe) functions, it doesn't really improve your business. This is where you must focus your efforts to convince your boss that you need inbound marketing, IMPROVING YOUR BUSINESS. That means revenue and profitability.
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