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March 17

10 Life-Changing Marketing Tips for Successful Online Marketing

Whether you're just getting started in business, you've suddenly had marketing responsibilities dumped on your shoulders, or you've been struggling with marketing for a while, marketing effectively is an intimidating task. Even seasoned and successful marketers struggle to follow all of the modern marketing best practices - there are so many things to think about, so many different types of content to produce, and so many channels to manage. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Here are 10 tips from experts to help you stay on track and build confidence in your marketing strategies, your message, and in yourself.

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March 08

10 Powerful Inbound Marketing Quotes That Will Inspire Your Inner Marketer

Need some motivation to pump out that weekly blog post? You're not alone. We all struggle with motivation and inspiration in our marketing careers, whether we're professionals or amateurs. Inbound marketing takes a lot more creative brainpower week-to-week than traditional marketing ever did. Never fear! Inspiration comes in many forms, and today, it comes in the form of quotes from very successful people. Get those creative juices flowing with these powerful words from inbound marketers and non-marketers alike.

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March 04

4 Modern Marketing Hacks to Increase Your Visibility

Visibility is an earned resource. You can earn visibility by writing valuable & high-quality content, actively sharing your content on social media and other outlets, and engaging with your followers and influencers. Feel like you're already doing all that and getting nowhere? Try these modern marketing tricks (read: best practices) to increase your visibility online.

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March 03

Inbound Marketing Evolution: A 5 Year Commentary

Let's take a step back from the theory and instruction and take a minute to appreciate progress. How far has marketing come in five years? The answer is: not quite as far as we've come in ten years (duh) but there are still notable shifts and advances that we can appreciate. We've put together a little commentary on a very popular 2011 infographic to highlight some of the major changes. So, without further ado...

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February 25

The Anatomy of a Killer Content Marketing Strategy [Graphic]

What does it take to make a GREAT content marketing strategy? (Hint: it takes more than content.) For beginners (and even for seasoned inbound marketing veterans) keeping track of all the necessary content marketing components can be overwhelming. We've come up with a simple anatomy graphic to help you be the best content marketer you can be.

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February 18

How Anxiety Can Improve Your Lead Generation Efforts

It sounds pretty ruthless, doesn't it? Inducing negative emotions to sell more stuff. In some ways, the way we play on each other's fears and insecurities to make money is absolutely deplorable (see: the weight loss industry). There's no denying that it works. However, there are morally responsible ways to induce anxiety in potential clients to increase the chance of conversion. You don't have to become a manipulative super villain, hiding in the shadows and dropping weird passive aggressive statements about your clients' hair to make sales. You don't have to undermine their self-esteem or insult them to influence their actions on your website. Anxiety in sales and marketing is created through three avenues: time the product is available, amount of product available, and social pressure to use the product. Here's how you can use these tactics to assist your lead generation efforts.

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February 12

What Exactly Does an Inbound Marketing Company Do?

Have you ever wondered what an inbound marketing company does all day? We have no idea what other companies are doing (maybe they sit around eating tiny sandwiches and talking smack about people who win the lottery, who knows), but we can certainly give you a window into what WE do here at p80.

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February 11

Are You Building Strong Customer Relationships? [Infographic]

Just in time for Valentine's Day, we're going to have you take a fun little quiz.

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February 04

5 Simple Things YOU Can Do to Improve Your Website

So you love your website, but it's just not doing what you want it to do. It's not generating leads, it's not increasing sales - really, what is it doing? The website equivalent of sitting around, smoking pot, and not paying rent like a jackass. Your website needs to shape up. And it needs your help. There are a few things you can do from the comfort of your desk to improve your website and its contributions to your business.

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February 02

10 Signs You're Working with a Shady SEO Provider (Before & After)

Unfortunately, if you're not experienced with SEO, it can be difficult to identify bad practices. Even if you have your suspicions, many shady SEO firms are familiar with smooth talking a hesitant client into closing a deal. It's also difficult to say for sure whether a company will use shady practices before they start working. That means, sometimes, you won't see the tells until after you've made an investment. Fortunately for you, there are some common signs you can watch for before and after to identify a less-than-ethical SEO.

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