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11 PPC Advertising Questions to Ask Your Paid Ads Agency

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Achieving that oh-so-important visibility in Google search results largely depends on understanding your budget, knowing a bit about the buyer, and having the right strategy.

Many business professionals don't have a deep understanding of how Google Ads work. This includes a lack of familiarity with the details of PPC (pay-per-click) advertising services, which can affect their expectations from these services.

Paid ads agencies vary in methods and quality, but they often fall into one of two categories: 

  1. Those that take advantage of businesses
  2. Those who work hard to achieve good Google search results for their clients. 

The first group, black hat PPC and SEO agencies, are known for harmful practices.

To ensure you choose the right agency, ask these 11 questions to a digital marketing agency. This will help you find a reliable partner focused on your success.


First Things First: Let's Answer Some PPC FAQs

If you already understand PPC, you can skip below to the questions to ask a digital marketing agency.

Again, most clients that arrive at the doorstep of a paid ads agency have a limited understanding of PPC and Google Ads. If that sounds like you, read this section first, as it covers the basics PPC beginners need to know before approaching an agency.

Q: What is PPC advertising? What does PPC stand for?

PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. It’s pretty self-explanatory: You pay every time someone clicks on your ad, but ONLY when they click it. Simply displaying your ad is free.

PPC is not the same thing as SEO (search engine optimization). The latter is concerned with helping you rank organically without paying for ads. Many digital marketing agencies offer both SEO and PPC services; it’s best to consult which would be best for your company’s current needs.

Q: How does PPC advertising work?

It takes more than a hefty budget for your ads to appear in Google search results.

Paying more to ensure your ads appear more prominently than a competitor’s is technically impossible. Ad placement (or lack thereof) is determined by the Ad Auction, a 100% automated process used by Google and other major engines to judge the relevance and value of submitted advertisements.

This system prompts you to bid on search terms, or "keywords," you want to trigger your ads in search results. 

For example … 

If you offer precision machining services for medical devices, you might want to bid on "CNC precision machining" and "medical device manufacturing."

When a user submits a search query, the Ad Auction's algorithm performs the complex calculations to decide which ads to display and which order.

AdWords PPC Checklist

Q: How Effective are PPC Advertising Services?

The benefit of search engine advertising is that it's so highly targeted that it’s more likely to yield a conversion than other marketing and advertising methods. 

Another advantage of PPC advertising is that it defaults you into a "high commercial intent" category. Creating a PPC advertising campaign will more than double your chances of attracting valuable traffic to your website.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads, formerly Google AdWords, is a PPC advertising platform. (We'd argue it's THE advertising platform for PPC). Those who use Google Ads reach their targeted audience through both of the following: 

  • Google Search Network: This allows advertisers to place ads in Google search results and other Google sites when users search for specific keywords related to their product or service.
  • Google Display Network: This is for advertisers to place display ads across a vast collection of websites, videos, and apps that are part of Google's Display Network, targeting users based on browsing behavior and interests.

PPC campaigns are created through Google Ads and launched, measured, and tracked through the platform.

While anyone can create an account and run Google Ads campaigns, to get the most out of your investment, it's wise to partner with a PPC advertising agency that can help optimize your campaigns.

11 Questions to Ask Your Paid Ads Agency

Here are 11 questions you can ask your current or potential Google Ads agencies. They should be able to answer every one of these before you sign a contract.

1. What if we don't have a Google Ads account already?

If you don't have an Ads account yet, ask your agency about the process and what assets and credentials it'll need from you to get started ASAP.

To run a successful campaign, your pay-per-click ad agency should be able to set up your quickly:

  • Campaign structures and settings
  • Payment options
  • Tracking

2.  Are you a Google Premier Partner?

This isn't a deal-breaker, but an official Google Partner agency can make your decision very simple. You'll know that they have some experience and knowledge and that they follow Google Ads best practices.

3.  Do you have a monthly minimum ad spend?

Many agencies do, so don't get caught off guard. Any agency should be up-front with their minimums if they have them.

4.  How are your management fees structured?

Some agencies bill you based on your ad spend, some on a flat monthly fee, and some on estimated hours. Have a good understanding of how you'll be billed for management time.

Keep in mind that, in most cases, this is separate from your ad budget.

5.  What type of management is included with your management fee?

Beyond the standards listed above, what are you getting for your money?

Ensure there's a clear agreement on PPC management's ongoing level and frequency. Get specific with your interrogation: What's included in "management?"

  • Keyword grooming?
  • New ad creation?
  • Manipulation of existing ads?

Learn exactly what’s included in your PPC management contract to avoid unexpected bills. As always, read carefully before signing.

6. Can we see actual spending within Google Ads, or do we pay you and you pay the bill?

If you're paying an ad budget, you should be able to see and track every penny spent within Google advertising. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In some instances, you'll pay an agency a bulk sum and they will pay the ad bill and not provide you "actual spend" numbers.

We're trying to give neutral answers to most of these questions, but this is the one exception where we'll say this is a MUST. You should have full access to every penny spent on ads, and be able to see how your budget is being used.

7.  If we pay you for our ad budget, what happens to extra dollars if we have extra spend?

You'll probably wonder about your excess investment if you get caught in a situation like #6.

Generally, this should be rolled over into the next month. Ask your Google Ads services agency, just to be sure.

8.  Do you offer full reporting? Is it included or an additional fee?

One of the biggest advantages of all online sponsored advertising is the ability to capture data on every action, no matter how small. Find pay-per-click consulting services that include transparent and thorough reporting and analysis.

Ask your paid search advertising provider if it will report to you on a predetermined schedule and if those reports will be included in your management fees. Additionally, ask what's included in those reports. Will they include strictly data, or will they also include analysis and expert recommendations?

9.  What type of strategy do you foresee with our business goals?

At a high level, your agency should be able to discuss some initial approaches (SKAG, journey-based advertising, etc.) that can help you reach your business goals. (This doesn't mean you should expect an agency to provide you with a free Google Ads strategy.)

Usually, a complete strategy will come after you've chosen a vendor. 

Sooner or later, the proposed strategy may grow beyond just PPC. Your search engine advertising agency may find that your business is best off with a more sustainable approach that also includes organic SEO and content marketing. It may even recommend weaning off PPC in favor of marketing tactics that aren't "pay to play."

10.  Can you tell us about similar accounts you've managed successfully?

They may or may not give you client names, but your new friends should be able to share some high-level information about similar Google Ads accounts they've managed.

Keep in mind that not all Google Ads strategies are created equal. Some are much more advanced than others, some have a larger team to handle larger companies, and some offer to integrate your PPC advertising into a fully functional inbound marketing campaign.

To get the best value from your investment, ensure that your search engine advertising firm can handle your needs and requirements.

11.  Can you tell us about your bid/budget management practices?

This should give you an idea of how your account will be managed regularly.

Any pay-per-click advertising campaign worth its salt will include an internal strategy/process that the agency is ultra-transparent about. 

Look for a Google Ads agency that's always looking for ways to improve -- not one that sets the account on autopilot.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Google Ads Agency with the Right Questions

Navigating the waters of paid ad agencies can be like choosing the right team for a deep-sea dive – you need reliability, expertise, and a team that understands the depths of your business aspirations. 

Don’t look for the cheapest and quickest; prioritize an agency that aligns perfectly with your brand visibility, lead cultivation, and sales goals. Always keep a sharp eye out for the telltale signs an agency might not be up to the task.

Maximize Your Digital Impact With an Assessment

Thinking about adding Google Ads to your marketing portfolio? Consider also where you could fine-tune your website to boost traffic and lead generation in an organic, long-term way. 



(Editor's note: This blog post was originally published in June 2016 and was recently updated.)