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Microsoft Re-Enters the Tablet Market

Tablet computing has been the buzzword among hardware manufacturers and software developers since the first credible Apple tablet rumors came to light at the end of last year. Now it seems like you can’t turn around without a new tablet prototype being featured in an Engadget article, but many folks are quick to forget that tablet computers have been around for years. Ten years ago Bill Gates stood on-stage at the Consumer Electronics Show and demonstrated the benefits of using tablet devices, and since then Microsoft has run Windows on countless tablet PCs. Despite that the tech industry’s perception of what a tablet should be has changed drastically in the past year, and there are rumblings coming from Redmond about a new tablet offering from Microsoft.

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July 12

Personal Facebook Responsibility and Safety

There is a lot of talk about what employers need to do to keep them ‘safe’ from the social media world. But what about individuals? I see a lot of Facebook updates and pictures and it seems as though people don’t understand the implications that can occur from some of them. What you post on these sites lives somewhere whether you delete it from your own account or not, so it is important to think before posting. What can you do to keep yourself and family safe?

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3 Things to Consider When Developing for Mobile

There’s no question that development for mobile is exploding because consumption of mobile content is growing tremendously. Although there are some challenges to developing for mobile, some of which I outlined in my last post, there is still an enormous opportunity in mobile.

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Mobile Software and the Cloud: Will History Repeat Itself?

If you haven’t picked up on the massive growth in mobile device usage (cell phones, smart phones, tablets, netbooks, etc…) in the past couple of years, I would like to welcome you back from the rock you’ve been living under! You’ve no doubt seen the influx of teens through senior citizens with their faces buried in their mobile devices. With smart phones becoming so prevalent, it’s becoming easier to do just about anything you can do on your computer, right from your phone.

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LocalEdge SEO...or Not Quite SEO?

The former Talking Phonebook has put a lot of marketing dollars into their latest identity, LocalEdge. I assume they moved away from having the word “phonebook” in their name because who uses a phonebook anymore? The new LocalEdge sales people make their rounds relying heavily on the words SEO and social media. They give free seminars about the subject, but these just end up being another sales pitch. See below from a local chamber newsletter:

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Bidding on Multiple Match Types in Adwords

There has been debate for some time now regarding whether or not bidding on multiple match types for the same keyword is an effective strategy or not. An example would be purchasing:

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WWDC 2010 – Thoughts on Apple’s iPhone 4

Earlier today Steve Jobs officially debuted the latest version of the iPhone during a kickoff keynote for Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference. If you had followed any of the coverage related to Gizmodo’s early leak of the iPhone 4’s hardware this announcement wasn’t exactly a shocker, but there were some cool new hardware and software features that make Apple’s redesigned mobile device pretty enticing.

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Targeting Teens? You Need to Use SMS!

If you have a teenage child or know one, you know that their noses are always in their phones. Just walk by a high school when it lets out and watch the those little txters in action.

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June 03

Link Graph vs. Social Graph: Part 2

How Could the Social Graph Work? Last time we covered linking and how the search engines use linking to understand more about your website; both from a “popularity” perspective and content perspective. So how would a social graph compare and will it take over the link graph? Although I cannot answer these questions 100% because I do not have insider knowledge from the search engines…I do have ideas of how it may work.

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