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Social Media Strategies - How to be Effective and Remain Productive

As far as social media marketing goes, it is a very new channel. There are many CEO's who are not willing to try...or even learn about social media marketing. Their thought? Social media is a time waster. Can you argue with them? Of course it is easy to waste time on the social media outlets, but if your company has a social media marketing strategy, your staff will remain productive and your company can reap the benefits of social media marketing. The most important things to remember are:

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Duplicate Content and SEO

For an updated version of this post, click here. What is duplicate content you ask? When a search engine spider/bot finds multiple pages containing the same information, it is duplicate content. Sometimes this is done on purpose by 'black hat' SEOs, but sometimes it is just accidental because you just don't realize the engine sees 2 pages as being different URLs. This is usually the point when I would throw out one of my all time favorite words, URL canonicalization...but instead I will point you to a great visual representation of duplicate content by Ann Smarty at Search Engine Journal. Enjoy!

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Public Relations and Search Marketing

Crisis management...something we generally don't want to think of as a business. Most times it means bad news, but bad news can be worse if the situation is not handled properly. Generally speaking, most businesses who require strong public relations, already have a public relation strategy in place in case of crisis. But does your company's PR plan include search engine marketing?

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Save Money on Ink Cartridges

Wondering why every time you buy new ink cartridges it costs almost as much as your printer? You're not alone! Even if you buy your ink at Walmart, you're likely to spend too much. We recommend using Data Bazaar. No, we're not affiliated in any way with Data Bazaar, and No, we get nothing when you do business with them. At databazaar.com you can search for your printer's ink cartridges and select a "generic" version of it. It will usually be under half of the price! They also have FREE shipping most of the time.

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Searchers are Becoming More Search Savvy

A great article at Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim discusses the continuous growth of Google's Market share...and also points out that searchers are still becoming more sophisticated. To me, these 2 things go hand in hand. I think many people agree that Google provides the most relevant search results, especially for longer search terms. The only reason searchers are able to use longer keywords, is because of the impressive intelligence of the search engines. If it were the days of old, search results would be very poor for queries longer than 3 words. So it makes sense...more and more searchers are using longer search queries, so more and more searchers will use the most intelligent search engines will use their results. Check out these statistics from Hitwise:

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Are FREE Antivirus Programs Good Enough?

I can't tell you how many times we hear this question, or a variation of it, such as:

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SEO Punctuation and Your Grandmothers Slippers

How often do you think of punctuation and how it relates to SEO? In some instances you just don't use it because you just know you shouldn't (i.e. in a domain name), but do you use it in the title of your web page? And more importantly, does it effect the search engine results? In an article at SEO-Scoop.com, the author explains why you avoid punctuation in web page titles and domain names.

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What Are People Doing On The Internet? Trying to Survive a Recession!

We knew that search terms related to the recession would rise...but I did not expect them to rise this significantly. eMarketer released statistics showing % change from 2007 to 2008 in regards to economy-related search terms. The most significant changes were 'unemployment benefits' and 'unemployment', rising 247% and 206% respectively. Other terms mentioned were 'coupons', 'discount', 'mortgage', 'bankruptcy', and 'foreclosure'.

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Google Maps vs. MapQuest

Whoa, slow down Google...we still want options. Or do we? As long as I am getting the best I don't need many options I guess...at least when it comes to my map source. That is a little selfish of me, I know some still prefer other map sources. An article at Search Engine Land pointed out that Google Maps is catching up to MapQuest, the long time Internet leader for online maps and directions. I love Google Maps and I am not afraid to admit it. Sometimes I have more fun playing with Google Maps than actually taking a trip.

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Web Logs 101 - Blogging Best Practices

Maintaining a good blog can be one of the best marketing tools you can find. A.) It is free and B) it is a way to get new and returning visitors to your website. Building a good blog does not happen overnight. It takes time to get a consistent flow of readers and participation, but in the end it is well worth it. Here are some tips to get you started with your new blog.

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