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April 27

5 Steps to Building Brand Voice in Healthcare Tech

What your company says and how it says it are extremely important as you engage with prospects. If you’re not “speaking” to them in a way that’s actually representative of your company and who it is, you run the risk of confusing and disappointing them.

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April 13

Content That Matters in Healthcare Tech Marketing

With the right content, your company can be part of a prospect’s buyer’s journey at any stage, providing them with the information they need when they need it. The right content keeps prospects engaged and coming back to learn more.

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April 06

20 Buyer's Journey Statistics to Aid a Successful Marketing Strategy

The buyer's journey is the research and decision-making process a buyer goes through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service.

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March 23

Increase Brand Awareness for Healthcare Tech Using Inbound Marketing

Let’s start off by answering a basic question: what is inbound marketing?

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5 Strategies for Marketers Working From Home

With COVID-19, or the coronavirus, disrupting our lives and businesses, many of us are now finding ourselves in uncharted territory -- working from home.

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March 20

Manufacturing Growth Amidst A Global Pandemic: Actionable Insight

We're not even through Q1 2020 and life has already thrown us a major curveball. Now, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a global pandemic, and it’s impacting our health, mental state, and economy. Even worse, we don't know what next month holds… or heck, even later today.

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March 16

8 Trends Healthcare Technology Marketers Should Care About

If you’re a healthcare technology marketer it’s vital that you stay current with the way buyers consume information and make buying decisions. Here’s our take on some of the latest trends in healthcare technology marketing that you should care about.

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March 16

Healthcare Technology Marketing: Applying the Inbound Funnel

The inbound marketing methodology typically follows a funnel with three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. Each stage of the funnel represents a different position in a healthcare technology buyer's buying process. Inbound marketers use this information to cater their content to their buyer's needs at each stage. Utilizing the inbound funnel is an opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors by tailoring your marketing strategy to your buyers’ needs and developing a connection as a trusted resource and industry thought leader.

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February 28

How to Record, Edit, & Share Videos with Vidyard

Did you know almost 80% of all internet traffic is video streaming? In 2020, your potential customers prefer watching video content over reading your sales emails or your web page.

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