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September 20

Copy Tips at INBOUND 17: Be a Storyteller and Still Believe in Science

Looking over the agenda at INBOUND 2017, I keep coming back to the topics that fascinate the content marketer in me: Storytelling and science. Two different, but equally important aspects of building your brand and providing useful, interesting content. These are the sessions I’m seeking out to get some great copywriting tips come Sept. 25 in Boston.

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September 05

Inbound 2017: Conversion Lessons from Tinder and HubSpot

INBOUND 2017 is an event that celebrates the human, helpful side of the business. It’s full of inspiration, education, and connections you need to grow and transform your business (so I’ve read and heard).

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August 25

What Makes a Content Marketing Strategy Successful AND Fun?

Do you like clowns? I do. Truth be told, I work with a guy (above) who’s worked on the side as a birthday clown.

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August 18

Copywriting Tips at Inbound 2017: Taking on Science and 'Sweatshops'

I was a newspaper guy for over a decade. Just old enough to be stuck in the print age, yet young enough to grasp the power of an internet-based message. Maybe, as a business owner or marketing guru, you can relate.

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August 17

Increase Brand Awareness by Feeding Your Blog a Well-Rounded Diet

In the filthy, weedy backyard that is the internet, growing a beautiful blog is key in your company’s quest to increase brand awareness.

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August 16

Inbound 17 - 3 Sessions We're Most Looking Forward To - Josh C.

The annual Inbound conference is awesome for a variety of reasons. It covers marketing, sales, leadership, culture, growth, and more. There's a ton of great inspiration. The networking opportunities are endless. And the parties...well, let's just say they're a jolly good time. ;)

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August 11

What Is B2B Branding and Why Do Businesses Need It?

Apple (IBM) was recently named the world’s second most valuable B2B brand. And the start of Apple’s branding began in a 1984 Superbowl advertisement.

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August 02

4 B2B Branding Horror Stories That Will Make You Cringe

Where the Internet is involved, there are horror stories. It's not always the company’s fault -- Xerox sure couldn’t help it. But not all companies are so innocent. When building your company’s B2B branding strategy, it’s best to learn from horror stories of the past to avoid the same mistakes.

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July 27

B2B Branding Mistakes: Which One Describes Your Business?

Building your business's brand is as important as innovating and marketing your product. Just look at the sales of large companies in the past 10 years. When Tata Motors bought Range Rover and Jaguar from Ford Motor Company (for $2.56 BILLION), they weren't buying them for the factories, employees, and raw materials. It was the brands they were after. Kraft's purchase of Cadbury (for $19.5 BILLION), wasn't for their chocolate recipe. It was for their brand. Increasing the value of your B2B brand should be a strategic initiative. How will you increase your brand awareness (and your business's value) over time? You can start by evaluating your brand's 'personality' against the following B2B branding mistakes.

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July 24

How to Give Your Manufacturing Marketing a Much-Needed Facelift

Manufacturing marketing isn't pretty. Not because it's old-fashioned. No, old things can certainly be beautiful. The problem is it's butt ugly, with a personality to match.

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