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January 12

Adding Inbound Sales to Improve Lead to Close Rate

The way people buy has changed. That means marketing, advertising, and selling methods have to change as well. Old tactics are useless against new habits, channels, and expectations. For marketers, inbound marketing is the answer to new buying behaviors. For salespeople, the answer is inbound sales.

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January 12

How to Increase B2B Sales Year-Round

What's the biggest punch in the face for a business owner? The dreaded "slow quarter." That miserable time period eliminates predictability and ultimately slows your plans for growth.

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January 06

How to Create a Landing Page

You have a high-quality visitor on your site and a call-to-action that draws his or her attention. What you need now is a landing page.

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January 05

Optimize Your B2B Website With an Expert Inbound Marketing Strategy

I'm going to assume you want your website to drive leads and sales. Your strategy (or lack thereof) will determine whether you grow exponentially or merely tread water.

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December 29

The Internet of Things, Marketing Data, and Murder

The Internet of Things, in a nutshell, describes the interconnectivity of devices in the home, office, factory, and throughout the world. The IoT allows devices to "talk" to each other, allows data to be available anywhere at any time, and gives users (and devices!) remote control over technology. It makes automation very simple - but it also raises a number of privacy concerns.

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December 22

Santa Is Really Bad at Inbound Marketing

Sure, he looks like a nice old man. Don't judge a book by its cover.

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December 21

Jump Off the Website Redesign Hamster Wheel

How many times has your B2B website been redesigned? Does it seem like every 3-5 years you go through a redesign process with the hope of better results?

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December 16

Your B2B Website Isn't Broken. It's Your Marketing Strategy

Picture this: You have a great B2B company (not too hard to imagine, right?). Your team does great work for great clients. You know without a doubt that if more prospects knew about you, you could grow your business like crazy! If you're like many of the B2B companies we talk to, you live that story every day.

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December 08

Choosing an Inbound Marketing Agency Is Like Adopting a Cat

It's true. A cat and an inbound marketing agency have a surprising amount in common. Cats and inbound marketing agencies are both pretty independent creatures. You can leave them alone for a few days and not return to a disaster. Some enjoy hugs, while others only make contact when they need something. They are self-cleaning. They can lower stress and improve productivity in the workplace. They're pretty darned cute when they're not eating all your house plants. That said ...

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