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September 13
September 12

Speed Blogging Tips: Write 500 Valuable Words in Under 60 Minutes

What does 500 words look like? It's approximately one single-spaced Word document with 12-pt font (or two double-spaced pages). Here's a visual example: Does it look like a lot? Don't worry - if you follow these simple blogging tips, it'll feel like nothing at all.

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September 09

Blogging: It's Not About You

Blogging is one of the most important tactics, in an inbound marketing strategy. Because it’s so important, it must be done right to be successful. When thinking about blogging, think of it as the shift a company goes through when they move from traditional marketing to inbound. Inbound marketing is all about being a resource for your customer rather than a seller. Which brings me to the point of today’s blog: It's not about you. I Wanna Talk About Me, Me, Me… When blogging for your business, the goal is to create remarkable, educational content. For the most part, the name of your company will be irrelevant in these blog posts. We want to attract customers by solving their problems and giving them small victories along the way. So, when the time comes to make a big decision, they won’t think twice about giving your business a call. They’ll remember what you did for them when they had an issue or an opportunity. P.S. - These people are also known as your buyer personas. They’re kind ...

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September 08

Buyer Personas: How they Can Make Your Inbound Strategy Run Like Magic

The 2016 NFL season kicks off tonight with a rematch of last year’s Super Bowl between the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos. The one thing those two teams had in common? They had a great quarterback. The Panther’s Cam Newton is a young up-and-coming quarterback who is making a name for himself in the NFL. Meanwhile, Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl. He retired as arguably one of the best quarterbacks of all time. “Alright, Josh, what in the world does this have to do with buyer personas and inbound marketing?” It’s a fair question, and one I’m poised to answer.

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September 01

Blog Topics in 30 Seconds: Generate Blogging Ideas in a Snap

So you're having trouble thinking of stuff to write about. I know exactly how you feel. I also have just the thing to help.

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August 25

How Big Ass Fans Is Rocking Its Manufacturing Marketing

Big Ass Fans. If you haven't heard of them before, you won't forget them now.

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August 12

How to Increase Sales by RAISING Prices a la Cards Against Humanity

What if you could lose weight by eating more? What if you could make more money by working less? What if you could make more sales by increasing your prices rather than decreasing them?

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August 05

Inbound Marketing Process: How to Get Started in 3 Months

We talk about inbound marketing a lot. One thing you may be wondering is "How the heck do I actually do this stuff you're telling me to do?"

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August 02

How to Improve SEO by Dominating Social Media

If you're alive in the 21st century, you've seen the impact social media can have on businesses. Dollar Shave Club made their name on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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