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Getting Started With Inbound Marketing

If you're reading this, you've likely already concluded that Inbound Marketing is the way to get in front of potential customers. Outbound, interruption marketing techniques just don't work effectively enough to justify the expense.

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May 01

A Beginner's Inbound Marketing Glossary

If your business or organization is just getting started with inbound marketing, you'll be hearing new phrases, terms and acronyms that you may not be familiar with. Here's a basic inbound marketing glossary so that you don't feel lost in the conversations!

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Options For Starting A Sale Online

The overwhelming majority of our clients are B2B businesses that cannot sell directly online. The sales process just won't allow them to do so, or the dollar amount is not something another business simply swipes their AMEX for.

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April 23

Turn Website Visitors Into Leads

The common goal of almost every Inbound Marketing effort we've been involved with is increasing a key metric. Increasing sales, increasing donations, increasing registrations, increasing applicants, etc... In almost every case, we need to first focus on how we turn website visitors into leads. Because so many businesses and nonprofits cannot complete an entire sale online (e.g., ecommerce), we need to focus on starting the conversation with high quality content that attracts your buyer persona(s), and converts them into leads. From there, they can be nurtured and developed into an actual sale. Many businesses, whether they are fortune 500 companies or mom & pop shops, fail at getting the first step right - Attracting your buyer persona(s) with excellent content. This requires a clear understanding of your Buyer Persona(s) and their buyer's journey along with a solid content marketing effort that speaks directly to both. Your content marketing strategy is what will fuel the ...

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March 20

The Fastest Way to Get More Website Visitors

There are many ways to get more website visitors to your website. Some of those ways can take months, while same can take hours. This post will cover the fastest way to get more website visitors!

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