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3 Website Marketing Tips For Manufacturers

There's a common mindset with many manufacturers that their website can only be an informational, brochure-style site because they sell to other businesses, with a long sales process. They think that because they can't sell direct online, their options for making their website a business-generating tool are limited. They tend to receive contact form submissions from current customers or potential customers that a sales person has already spoken to, but no new leads develop because of their site. Does this sound like your manufacturing business?

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October 24

A Few Must Read Inbound Marketing Articles

Inbox App by Gmail This is not really an article...nor is it related to inbound marketing really, but it still might be something cool. Honestly, we haven't played around with it enough to really tell you how much we like it or dislike it, but Google seems pretty confident that it will be the email app of the future. Really, you'll have to request an invite and check it out for yourself. You can do it here. Finding Hidden Content Opportunities for Your Local Website Local SEO is very important in getting customers through your door. Even if you are a primarily offline business, your customers likely search online before visiting you in person. An important factor in getting found is good SEO and good local content. This article provides a few ways you might be able to create some additional, good quality content. Author: Rachel Indeteigen. How to Diagnose and Cure 9 Major Content Marketing Problems Many businesses and marketers run into issues when trying to implement a content ...

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October 24

New Website Launch - Hollenbeck-Cahill Funeral Homes

We're happy to have launched a new website for a long-time client. The website is for Hollenbeck-Cahill Funeral Homes in Bradford, PA. The previous version of the website which we developed several years ago, so it was time for an update!

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October 22

Is Attracting Website Visitors Your Biggest Inbound Marketing Problem?

Even if you have the best looking website in the world, it's useless without website traffic. While many new clients that we work with can definitely use a face-lift and strategy for their website, their biggest issue is often that they have no real traffic. If the top of the Inbound Marketing funnel is empty, the middle and bottom of the funnel are sure to follow suit. That's obviously a problem and all too often the case when we meet with a new client. Your biggest Inbound Marketing downfall may just be attracting website visitors. Start By Answering Some Questions Before starting your efforts to fill the top of your funnel, you need to be clear on some things... Who are your buyers? Define your buyer personas. Don't shortcut this process. Your buyer personas need to be the source of all of your marketing. These are your ideal buyers we're talking about. You need to know more about them than their job title at a company that could buy your stuff. What is your current volume of ...

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October 21

Setting Up Age Demographic Filtering in Google Analytics

If you are using Google Analytics and are now tracking demographic information, start using the filtering feature to better understand your website's user experience based on their age. A 25 year old will have a different experience on a website than someone 60+ (in many cases), so by clumping all of that data together you aren't getting a true picture. In compiling these reports you may save yourself from jumping to conclusions that maybe aren't true.

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October 17

Stay Ahead Of The Competition By Getting Educated

Tony Robbins once said, "If you and I are being chased by a bear, I only need to be a little faster than you to survive." Apply that to your business. Use the weekend to keep learning and get ahead of your competition. Let the bear get them. B2B Content Marketing: Executive and Brand Perspectives, Compared We have a special place in our hearts for B2B marketing. That may be because we are a B2B business ourselves. This great article by Marketing Charts discusses a report released about content marketing in B2B companies. It supports our message at p80 that you need to produce good, educational content that truly helps your ideal buyers. If your content is a blatant sales pitch, it's not good content. B2B Buyers Increasingly Researching, Making Purchases Online Stop telling yourself that your buyer doesn't research what you sell online. You are kidding yourself and hurting your prospects for future success. One of my favorite set of stats in the article is: 40% conduct online research ...

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October 16

Selling Inbound Marketing to Your Boss

Many of you are probably in some sort of marketing role at your job, which is why you're taking the time to read this article. In many cases you may be the go to marketing person, but still not be the ultimate decision maker. This can be a frustrating situation, because you realize the importance of good design, fresh/unique/valuable content, social media, email marketing, etc., but it's an uphill battle of actually convincing the decision maker to move forward with these things. You may have even gotten them to the point where they realize 'we need a new website'. OK, that's a start...but these days, it's not enough. A new website without traffic, conversions, leads, and sales is only better than your old website in regards to how it looks and (maybe) functions, it doesn't really improve your business. This is where you must focus your efforts to convince your boss that you need inbound marketing, IMPROVING YOUR BUSINESS. That means revenue and profitability.

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October 15

A Great Inbound Marketing Presentation

Are you still unfamiliar with what Inbound Marketing is all about? I came across this excellent slideshare presentation by one of the founders of the term Inbound Marketing, Dharmesh Shah, that you should do yourself a favor and speed read. It's a very quick read and will really clarify things if you are still unclear on Inbound Marketing: Jumpstart: The Guide To Growing A Startup With Inbound Marketing from HubSpot A Few Major Points Newspaper, radio and other traditional paid ads are simply temporary, rented attention 100% of people dislike being interrupted - 100% therefore dislike traditional advertising It's about providing value instead of forcing your way in Inbound marketing and content are owned, long lasting attention generating tools The following funnel simplistically outlines the components of Inbound Marketing relative to the sales process: There are 5.9 Billion searches on Google EVERY DAY! Solve for humans not for Google. Happy Humans = Happy Goolge. Happy Google = ...

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October 10

Your Weekend Reading List Is Here

Your downtime this weekend can be used to relax AND get better at your craft! Here're some articles to help you get better! Study: 86% of B-to-B Marketers Now Use Content Marketing Do you know what content marketing is? NO!?!? Guess what. 86% of B2B marketers do. Do you think that might include your competitors? I bet it does. If you were late to the web marketing game, don't do it to yourself again. Article By: Advertising Age How Content Curation Helps You Win Sales Time is always an obstacle for everything we small businesses do. There's never enough of it! If only we could sell it!!!!! This article by Matt Heinz gives you some great tips for using others' content to help you win sales. Article By: Rain Maker Blog The Best Quotes Of Advertising Week Looking for some inspiration? These quotes from Advertising Week in New York are your ticket. If you aren't familiar with Mashable, you are missing out on some great news! Article By: Mashable Google Organic Click-Through Rates In 2014 ...

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