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    • Call Anytime: 1-814-596-0020
August 08

New Website Launch - Bradford Ecumenical Home

We are excited to announce that a new website was launched for the Bradford Ecumenical Home in Bradford, PA. The website is now easier to navigate, it' mobile friendly and also accepts online admission and career applications! Please take some time to check out the site by going to BEHCR.com.

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August 07

The Path To A Small Business Website Conversion

A website conversion takes place when a visitor to a website takes the action the website owner wants them to take. This action could be anything from starting a real time chat or downloading a valuable piece of content to submitting an RFQ (request for quote), making a donation or completing the buying process through ecommerce. To make your website a lead generating machine, you need to understand the path to a small business website conversion. Step 1 - Quality Website Traffic If you want to generate quality leads, you need quality website traffic. Yes, quantity can be important, but the quality is even more important. We tell our clients that it would be better to have 1000 quality visitors that are actually interested in their offering than have 2000 visitors that have little to no interest in their offering. Through small business SEO, search engine pay-per-click advertising and/or social media paid advertising, you can really hone in on your ideal buyers and generate quality ...

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August 07
August 01

4 Great Web Marketing Resources This Week

Head into the weekend with some great web marketing resources! Here're some gems we came across this week: 5 Simple Acts to Take Right Now In this article by John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing, Jantsch touches on the fact that for many small businesses, the summer months are a bit slower. Whether it's because so many people take vacation or your business has a natural, cyclical dip in the summer, it's a great time to broaden your perspective a bit and do some thinking/planning. Even if you're not slow right now, it's time to start planning for 2015. Don't wait until March of 2015 to start.... 5 Secrets of Lead Generation in Social Media You Never New (INFOGRAPHIC) Ya know how you always put off using social media for your business? Digital Marketing Philippines put together this excellent infographic and write up on lead generation through social media that should help you change your viewpoint. They touch on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. Don't like ...

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August 01

How To Start Using Twitter As A Small Business

Most small businesses that we work with have not taken a social media step beyond Facebook. Most have only used Facebook because they are using it personally. Many have created a Facebook business page for their company but rarely, if ever use it. Facebook is not always the best place to focus, but because they already "know" how to use Facebook, that's where they start. Twitter is often overlooked by small business owners because they don't use it personally. If they were already on Twitter and had "figured it out", chances are they would have a business Twitter profile as well. This post aims at removing the "figuring it out" step that so many business owners put off.

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August 01

Google Pigeon Update - Affecting Local Search

If you aren't involved in marketing or the search world, you probably haven't heard much about the "Pigeon Update" which was an update to Google's search algorithm, primarily affecting local search. The update took place roughly 1 week ago (24th of July), so by now you may have noticed a difference if you pay attention to your web metrics.

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July 30

Effective Inbound Marketing Is NOT A Project

The majority of our clients are small businesses with no full time marketing staff. In fact, many do no marketing at all. That's why when they look to redesign their website and improve their SEO, they look at it like a project. They think they will give it their focus for a couple of months and it will be behind them, "running" in the background, "hopefully" generating leads for them. Like most things in life, effective inbound marketing, the kind that generates leads and helps to grow a business, is not a project that you do once, and then set it and forget it until the next time you decide to focus on it. Effective Inbound Marketing Is Not A Ron Popeil Product Inbound marketing should be an ongoing effort that is on any business owner or executive's regularly reviewed processes. Why? Because you won't always be able to rely on those core clients that pay your bills. When one of them goes in a new direction and picks your competitor over you, do you want it to be because they did a ...

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July 30

Myth Busters: Content Marketing Edition

Do a quick Google search of “content marketing” and you will surely be bombarded with facts, statistics, personal stories, how-to’s, and countless claims by “professionals” about the wonders of content marketing.

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July 25

Curated List of 4 Great Web Marketing Resources This Week - with Images

Here're some truly great web marketing resources we came across this week that can help you kick some marketing ass! Curl up in your hammock, grab a beverage and your smartphone, and gain some knowledge this weekend!

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July 25

The Effects of SEO Still Takes Time

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a tactic used to gain visibility in search engines without paying for ads. The effects of SEO take time and it should be tied to a strategy in an effort to achieve an overall goal or objective. SEO often has phases that look something like this:

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