4 Simple Web Marketing Metrics To Measure
One of the biggest differentiating factors between web marketing (inbound) and radio, TV, newspaper, billboard, print, (outbound/interruption) etc... is the availability of EXACT data on how your marketing is performing. This can also pose a challenge though. With so much data available, it's easy to get lost in the weeds. For small businesses, just knowing 4 simple web marketing metrics will keep you well ahead of your peers when it comes to measuring performance and adjusting to improve. Are there many, many, many, many more metrics that you could/should measure? Absolutely! My point here is that most small businesses don't even know these 4 simple web marketing metrics for their efforts. Start here and customize/add to them over time. 1 - Organic Search Traffic To Your Site - SEO Traffic When we ask most small businesses how their search traffic is performing, most of them don't even know where to look to find that out. They know their site isn't performing for them, in that they ...
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