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July 23

4 Simple Web Marketing Metrics To Measure

One of the biggest differentiating factors between web marketing (inbound) and radio, TV, newspaper, billboard, print, (outbound/interruption) etc... is the availability of EXACT data on how your marketing is performing. This can also pose a challenge though. With so much data available, it's easy to get lost in the weeds. For small businesses, just knowing 4 simple web marketing metrics will keep you well ahead of your peers when it comes to measuring performance and adjusting to improve. Are there many, many, many, many more metrics that you could/should measure? Absolutely! My point here is that most small businesses don't even know these 4 simple web marketing metrics for their efforts. Start here and customize/add to them over time. 1 - Organic Search Traffic To Your Site - SEO Traffic When we ask most small businesses how their search traffic is performing, most of them don't even know where to look to find that out. They know their site isn't performing for them, in that they ...

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July 18

Curated List of 4 Great Web Marketing Resources This Week

Feeling guilty that you didn't read any web marketing resources this week? No worries, we've compiled some of our favorites to give you some weekend reading material. Enjoy! Google Will Now Detect if a Website Won’t Work on Your Device, Warn You Have you ever tried to view a website on your phone and found the experience to be really bad? Yes, you have, don't lie. Google is now helping it's Android brethren by giving you a warning in the search results to let you know if a site won't work right on your phone. For now, they are focused on flash sites. Don't be surprised if that extends to non-flash sites in the future. Responsive design anyone? Thanks to Kellex at Droid Life for the great update. Infographic - Smart Ways To Combine Content Marketing With SEO One of the great things about content marketing is that it doesn't live in a silo. It feeds so many other tactics!! It's great when you get more mileage from a time investment. This infographic shows all of the channels for content ...

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July 18

Social Media Allows You To Fish With Multiple Poles

In my last post, I compared web marketing without content to fishing without bait. Everyone would agree that fishing without bait is not very smart. Everyone SHOULD agree that web marketing without content is not very smart.Let's assume that we can all agree that we need content to make web marketing effective. What's Your Bait? So what should you be using for bait? Ideally, your content would be a good mix of larger content assets like ebooks, webinars, and resource kits along with smaller content assets like blog posts, new pages on your site, videos and social media updates. If you're just getting started with content marketing, your first step HAS to be setting up a blog and writing a post at least once per week. We've discussed in the past that adding blog posts increases your SEO surface area and gives you the ability to speak directly to your best buyer with your own personal message. A blog is easy to setup and leads to the next fishing analogy... Social Media And Content Is ...

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July 17

Following Up With Online Leads

So you're all about capturing online leads through your website, right? Sure you are. Leads are great! But here's the thing...do you have a procedure in place for following up with those online leads? If not, the majority of those leads you get (or want) will be wasted. That's right, completely useless! In fact, research shows that a whopping 71% of internet leads are wasted. We don't want that to happen to you. Let's explore this situation so you can avoid this pitfall.

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July 16

Web Marketing Without Content Is Like Fishing Without Bait

As web marketers, we're constantly pushing the need to generate valuable content as a means to generate leads. While clients technically "get it", they are still reluctant when it comes to actually doing it. They may update their contact page when someone new gets hired or the history page when another year passes by, but the creation of value added, lead-generating content is simply not an area of ongoing focus. This is despite the fact that 9 out of 10 clients are looking to increase leads/sales/profits online.

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July 11

3 Great Web Marketing Resources for You This Week

We hope that you had a great week, but it is about time for the weekend. You know what that means right? YES...you should read some great web marketing articles before your mind enters weekend mode! Because there are so many out there, we've narrowed it down to these 3. Check 'em out!

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Successful Web Marketing Strategy and Planning

Who to bring to your marketing meeting and planning.

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July 08

Creating a Web Marketing RFP - Upcoming Event

Next week we're holding a learning seminar about building a web marketing RFP. This seminar will be beneficial for any business or organization that is planning a new website or web marketing tactics even if they aren't following a traditional RFP process. The purpose is to educate the attendees so they are able to make informed purchasing decisions before purchasing web development or marketing services. Uninformed buying decisions usually result in wasted money, frustration and a bad taste for future web marketing and development efforts. This must stop!

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July 02

Happy Independence Day from protocol 80, Inc.

Our office will be closed on the 4th for the Holiday. Please have a fun and safe 4th of July!

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July 02

3 Great Web Marketing Resources This Week

Even though it's a short week...we managed to find some great web marketing resources for your reading pleasure.

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