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May 01

How to Make Time for Your Content Marketing

If I had more time I'd do this or I'd do that...I'm sure you've said something like this whether it was related to your marketing, business, or even personal life. It's no secret that time is hard to come by, especially if you are a small business. There are few people to do many things, right? Here's the thing, if you are serious about your inbound marketing, online marketing, web marketing, SEO...whatever you want to call it, content marketing is a vital component. If you aren't sure what it is, here's an easy to understand definition of content marketing.

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April 30

What is Content Marketing?

I can admit that we sometimes use terms and phrases on our blog that you may not totally get. Guilty! For that reason, I want to be sure that you are super clear on what Content Marketing really is. Defined by the Content Marketing Institute:

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3 Things Your Web Marketing Strategy Is Missing

Not everyone can be a web marketing rock star, right? Sure they can, when the right things are in place. Chances are good that you probably have a website and may even be doing some sort of marketing such as SEO, PPC, maybe social media...but what are you missing? Are your marketing efforts just not hitting the mark? There are probably a few things you are probably missing.

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April 25

More Website Traffic for Businesses and Non-profits

As a business or organization leader, you would probably love to get more traffic to your website, right? Wouldn't it be even better if that increased traffic lead to sales, leads and conversions? Of course it would! For some of you this may seem like a very distant and hard to reach goal, but it's not and we're going to give you the knowledge to make it happen.

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April 23

13 Step Content Marketing Quick Start List

Question. When you think about establishing a content marketing strategy, do you equate that to a large investment of time and energy? I think any time you include the word strategy with a task, most people automatically envision a huge project involving hours of documentation, research and policies. While that can certainly be the case for some strategies, your content strategy doesn't need to be that complex. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably wrong. Your content marketing strategy can be as simple as a basic list of items that anyone creating content for your organization has access to and understands. By knowing and committing to this list, you'll be light years ahead of many of your competitors. Here's a Simple Content Marketing Kickoff List: Make the decision that content marketing is a must, not a should. Identify your internal content marketing team and kick off the efforts on the right foot. Understand fully why your clients buy from you and how you help solve their ...

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April 22

5 Search Engine Optimization Myths

Search engine optimization is not the most straight forward marketing tactic that has ever existed...which is the cause of many SEO myths. Let's explore a 5 of these myths.

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April 18

10 Signs Your Website is Ready for an Update

There are many reasons why it might be time to refresh your website. Take a look through the list and see if your business is a culprit of some of these.

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April 18

A Trade Show Tactic That Should Be Applied To Your Website

If I had a nickel for every free swag item I got at trade shows, I would be writing this from a beach with an umbrella-straw drink in hand. Can you relate? You know you can!!! How did I get pulled into those trade show booths and listen to the marketing folks for those companies for 10 minutes, "earning" my free swag? Some sort of CALL TO ACTION!!!! That's right, like a small child chasing a butterfly, I saw or heard a big CTA and there I was, chasing down the perceived value. Next thing I knew, I was learning all about the butterfly's value and what it could do for me or my clients. Your website needs to steal that tactic right off the trade show floor. You need to have a strong value offer (CTA) in multiple places, so your website visitors chase that butterfly until they are sitting in your email marketing list or CRM and become leads. The key difference is that your website can provide these visitors with valuable content that will help solve their problems and challenges instead ...

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April 15

Project Timelines are Not Made to be Broken

Every website design and marketing project should have a project timeline associated with it. A good project timeline will help everyone reach predetermined goals and expectations. Without discussing and solidifying time-frames, it is too easy for a project to become extended beyond the original expectation whether at the fault of the agency or the client. What can you do about avoiding project delays with a timeline? Establish a good project timeline!

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