Why Do Your Clients/Customers Buy From You?
Reason 1:______________________________ Reason 2:______________________________ Reason 3:______________________________ If I had to guess I'd say you listed things like your level of service, your history of quality and reliability and your willingness to do whatever it takes to make your clients/customers fully satisfied. Those are all good reasons for someone to do business with you. Are those things that all of your new prospects know when they are looking for your product or service? In some cases a referral may provide those insights, but those aren't the prospects I'm talking about. Do the new clients you work with that have found your offering on their own know about these things? No. Most do not. Your website, advertisements and print collateral may try to convey those messages, but let's be honest. These new prospects only made a connection with you for 1 reason: THEY THOUGHT YOU COULD SOLVE ONE OF THEIR PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right. Initially, they weren't at all ...
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