The first step in planning a small business web marketing strategy is getting very clear about your business objectives, because they will guide the strategy that goes into your web marketing efforts. If you have set goals for sales, safety, employee retention, quality, market share, new product launches, etc... you need to ask yourself, your team and your web marketing consultants, how your web strategy can help you reach your short and long term goals. To make sure you are clear on your objectives and get you thinking as a web marketing strategist, here are 10 questions to answer before you define your web marketing strategy. 1- What Business Are You Really In? At first, this question seems like a no-brainer. For example, a company that manufactures cardboard packaging for products may think they are in the "packaging" business. At a VERY basic level, that is true. That's not how their clients view them though. They are so much more to their clients. To their clients, they are the ...
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