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2 Ways Online Advertising is Improving

With most things in our life, as information and technology become available, they improve. Even advertising...most of it at least. Look at billboards for example. They started out as a single billboard with a piece of vinyl that faded over time. Now we have amazing digital billboards. The digital billboards allow for more creativity from the advertiser, more ad revenue for the billboard owner, and even another side advantage, they are probably safer because you don't have people crawling all over them to change the vinyl!

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Easily Create Landing Pages With c80 CMS

Have you ever noticed how that tough task that you do infrequently seems to keep finding it's way to the bottom of your task list?

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January 31

Paid Search Advertising and the Super Bowl

Everyone hears about the Super Bowl commercials. Rightfully so as plenty of creativity and TONS of money gets poured into these commercials. Not as many people are talking about AdWords and Super Bowl advertising...unless you are a search nerd like me! More of the ad spend for search will be spent before the Super Bowl as opposed to during the game, but there are a ton of opportunities for brands to get in front of a huge audience. What are some of the terms people might be searching?

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January 28

Don't Leave This Step Out of Your Website Redesign Process

Planning a new website is fun and everyone gets quite eager to get rolling with things. In the website redesign process, there are times that important steps are forgotten. Each step should be discussed internally and with your web development vendor of choice. One step that is often dismissed or not discussed enough is usability. There is always so much focus on design and administrative functionality, sometimes the user is forgotten.

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January 23

Marketing in 2014 - Is Your Company Following the Trends?

We haven't shared an infographic in awhile...so it's about that time. Why? Because they are just plain neat. This infographic visualizes 20 Captivating Marketing Statistics that will drive 2014. Here's are some of my favorite stats that you can take to the decision makers and say...see, I do need more of a marketing budget. ;)

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Landing Page Structure - A Whiteboard Discussion

In the last few weeks we've shared a lot of tips and tricks for creating highly effective landing pages. From crafting a great headline to making sure you follow the 10 tips to get results, we've tried to touch on the main areas for improvement with landing pages.

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January 21

Getting a Positive ROI from AdWords - Lunch and Learn

Today is a good day! Why, you ask? Well today is a protocol 80 Soup Day. Today's lunch and learn topic is "Getting a Positive ROI from AdWords". This form of marketing has the ability to be successful for nearly every business or organization if done right. Whether you want to manage your AdWords campaign yourself or hire an agency we're going to cover 8 simple steps to get you on the right track to getting a positive return on investment from your AdWords efforts. Define the outcomes that need to happen to actually get a return. Determine what actions a website visitor must take to make those outcomes happen. Assign a value to your actions...this must be done if you plan on accurately calculating ROI. Research to determine what product/service/topic is related to your above actions. Organize and build your account. This is very important! Be creative. How to write ad copy and the anatomy of an AdWords ad. Build effective landing pages. Monitor and adjust. At today's lunch and learn ...

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January 17

What A Terrible Landing Page Looks Like

We understand that some people are more visual learners so we wanted to share some really bad landing pages with a brief overview about what makes the landing page so bad.

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January 16

You've Tried Pay-Per-Click Advertising and Failed...Now What?

Let's face it. Failure is just a part of life. It happens. We have heard on several occasions a few statements like these:

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