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October 19

PNC Bank Launches a Facebook Page

One of the nations largest banks has been missing from the Facebook landscape until just recently. They have launched a new Facebook page in which they want to keep you up to date on what is happening in the PNC world. So far they are off to a pretty decent start by responding to customer service comments that come through the news feed. One thing that struck me as odd is adding a guidelines (rules) tab for using their page.

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October 18

Does Klout Matter?

If you have not heard or checked out Klout.com, it is essentially an easy way to measure your online influence. Each person has a Klout score provided they are involved with social media in some way. Even users that do not participate are assigned a Klout score based on their interaction with the social world. To keep it simple, the more people you can reach and the more people that interact with your content and more importantly amplify your content, the higher Klout score you will have. For more details, check out their frequently asked questions section.

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October 03

IMS11 Takeaways: Customer Personalization

I had the opportunity to attend the Inbound Marketing Summit 2011 in Boston this year along with Donny and Josh, and one of the biggest takeaways from a developer's standpoint is that the best way to enhance user and customer experience with the websites and applications we develop is to add elements of personalization - this creates a "sticky" experience that keeps folks coming back for more over time. So what is a personalized experience?

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August 29

Scheduling Tweets in Advance for Free With Buffer

One of the most-important aspects of succeeding with a social media strategy is to stick with it. Posting a tweet or two per week isn’t going to cut it. On the other hand, it’s also important to set time aside to devote to your social media accounts. The problem with that is you’ll generate a whole bunch of activity in a short amount of time, and if your followers aren’t paying attention during your scheduled time there’s a good chance they’ll miss your Twitter updates entirely. So, how can you keep your Twitter account active without spending your entire day posting tweets?

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August 22

Facebook is the third largest video site in the United States

Have you started a video campaign yet? We'll admit it, creating video is probably the most intimidating form of inbound marketing for the un-initiated. With that said it's also one of the most rewarding! YouTube has long been the king when it comes to web video, but now with Facebook moving up the ranks you have even more incentive to get started with a video campaign for your small business and its service or product.

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August 02

Twitter, Barack Obama, and #Compromise

I am sure you are aware of the recent debacle surrounding the U.S. debt crisis and the continuous debate between republicans and democrats. You may or may not know the ins and outs of what each side was proposing...but if not, it likely grabbed your attention in some way. What you may have missed if you aren't part of the tech world, is the role that Twitter played in the debate.

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August 01

Google’s Page Speed Service

With all of the “buzz” surrounding Google’s new social network, Google Plus, a lot of other cool announcements have flown by with less coverage in the tech news community. One of those announcements is Google’s new Page Speed service, an open-source and free project which helps folks optimize their web pages by applying best practices for web performance. That’s a big mouthful, but essentially what it means is that Google will help you optimize your website for speed, so when folks visit it they’ll see your content faster than ever.

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July 27

Don't Create A Google+ Profile For Your Business... Yet

Remember when you decided to create a profile for your business Facebook page rather than setting up an actual page under your personal profile? Don't make the same mistake on Google+. As tempting as it is to setup a user profile for your business, it will bite you in the rear in a few months.

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July 26

My Top 5 Wishes for Google+ Brands

With the launch of Google+ a couple of weeks ago, everyone has had fun learning the ins and outs of how they can best utilize it for not only themselves (circle me), but for their brands. Many brands even went ahead and created accounts as a brand despite being against Google's wishes. It did not take long for those accounts to be removed or converted to an actual name of a person, hence +Mashable converting to +Pete Cashmore. Google is currently testing accounts for brands (see Ford example below), but what is next for them? ...I have my opinions on what I'd like to see.

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July 25

Using Facebook, Foursquare and Twitter on Your Feature Phone

There are plenty of reasons to avoid buying a smart phone these days, chief among them the cost of not just the device itself but the monthly data plan charge to go along with it. However, just because you don’t have a smart phone doesn’t mean you can’t use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare while on the go. In this post I’ll show you how to get started with each of those services, and all you need is a texting plan!

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