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April 19

Google AdWords Topic Targeting

If you have a history with AdWords display network, you know that it lacks at times. It's always nice to get the additional impressions, but depending on your industry, visitor quality can be extremely low. If you aren't choosing the networks your ads will be shown, Google is trying to guess where your site would be relevant. They may get some of the networks right...but they can also get some extremely wrong. Yes, you can exclude certain networks, but I am confident there are many small businesses out there that pay no attention to where the ads are running...or aren't even aware their ads are showing in the content network. I recommend you start paying attention. You can now help Google better understand where to show your ads with Topic Targeting

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April 18

Know Everything About Your Prospects

As a business, you have to have a handle on who you're targeting and who your prospects really are. With social media sites, there's no longer an excuse to not know your prospects. Here're the steps that we recommend:

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April 12

Better Ads in Gmail

Some of you may despise ads in your email...some of you may have not noticed them. Myself, I welcome them. I don't necessarily click on them often and they may not be the most relevant ads I could be seeing, but Google is promising a roll-out of better, fewer ads for everyone in the near future.

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April 09

Canonicalization and Google +1

Canonicalization...why am I using such a large word? Well I suppose it's because it is the only large word I know that sounds intelligent. All of my other large words just sound made up. Come to think of it, canonicalization sounds made up too.

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April 07

Content is King, Keyword Stuffing is for Jokers

Have you ever come across a blog or website that seems to repeat the same words over and over? For example, if you're trying to find a great Italian restaurant to visit during your next trip to Pittsburgh you might land upon a website or blog that has the same phrase used in every article on the page, "fine Italian dining in Pittsburgh, PA" for example. A sample paragraph from this website might look like the following:

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March 31

New Facebook Tool Converts Profiles to Pages

This bit of news was important enough that I had to jump our regular posting schedule to bring it to you. Today Facebook announced a new tool that will migrate an existing Facebook profile to a Facebook page. Why is this important? Facebook pages are MUCH more attractive from a business perspective. Here's why: Unlimited Fans Unlike a personal profile, a Facebook page can be liked by an unlimited amount of people, meaning you aren't limited to the number of folks you can interact with on a daily basis. On the other hand, a profile is limited to just 5,000 friends. It seems like a lot but when you run up against it and have to make the decision to remove friends in order to add others you'll be wishing you had a page instead! Easy Access The process of becoming a fan of something on Facebook is much less involved than becoming someone's friend. All a user has to do to stay in touch with your future updates by becoming your fan is click the "like" button at the top of the page. On the ...

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March 30

Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself

I see you are interested in email marketing, check this out: Free Guide on Setting Up Email Marketing Automation with MailChimp. I know I know, you expect everyone to remember you always and forever...especially past customers. Unfortunately that is not the case. We do so much on the web these days that it's possible that some things get forgotten, including signing up for email newsletters. Internet Service Providers monitor complaints and unsubscribe volumes from email marketing services and if they appear to be spamming, their IP ranges will start to get blocked. That means a lot of angry customers of. Not your customers, but customers of MailChimp, Constant Contact, Aweber, etc. If you don't want to end up on a you-know-what list from your email marketing provider, send a re-introduction email!

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