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February 25

Google Hates Your Content Farm And Will Punish You

Last night, our friends at Google announced a fairly large algorithm change for the better. From now on they are going to negatively rank websites that are content farms, have no quality content for users, and are all around terrible sites.

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February 24

Social Media and the Rebirth of the "Small Town" Business Model

I love my barber. He's an older gentlemen, and he remembers the time when caring about your customers meant something and was a vital part of keeping them. I'm not just saying he makes sure I'm happy with my haircut, or that I have a positive experience when I visit his shop. Rather, he makes a note of what I like, he asks about my family, and he generally takes interest in what's going on in my world. As a result, I walk out of the shop with a smile on my face every time I see him and recommend his services with every chance I get.

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February 23

MailChimp for Small Businesses Part 4

I'm not going to require you to read the first 3 parts of the series...but it is in your best interest. I have faith that you'll do what's right. Just in case you need a refresher:

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February 22

Facebook Says No More FBML, Marketers Rejoice!

What the heck is FBML you ask? It's not important now really, but it was Facebook's own markup language like HTML. It was also a giant pain in the hind for marketers. Just because you don't program/script/develop doesn't mean you should ignore this post.

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February 21

Should Twitter Remove the 140 Character Limit?

I read a pair of contradictory blog posts this weekend, one stating that Twitter needs to break through the 140 character limit for messages in order to grow market share, and another that discussed why the 140 character limit is appropriate and that there are other, more pressing needs for Twitter to address in order to continue gaining in popularity. This topic is one I touched on very briefly during episode 4 of the protocol 80 o'er coffee podcast, but since it has gained attention since then I figured I'd post my thoughts here. Are you ready? Let's do this thing!

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February 18

MailChimp for Small Business Part 3

Moving on in the MailChimp series, let's get you another step closer to sending out professional email marketing messages by creating your list If you haven't already please read the first 2 parts in my MailChimp series:

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February 18

Be More Recognized In Google By Being Active On Twitter, Flickr, Quora

We have long been supporters of small businesses being active on twitter and the other social networks as a way to learn and share the great content that they develop. While Google's newest Social Search isn't completely new, they have made some changes that make being involved with social media and growing your followers very important.

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February 18

How Kenneth Cole Could Have Avoided Tweet Hell

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about Kenneth Cole's tweet that angered the twitosphere. As a refresher, he tweeted:

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February 16

Social Media and the Headline News Cycle

I'll admit it, my addiction to social media has reduced my attention span just a bit. One of the downsides about constantly being bombarded with news and friend updates every moment of the day is that it becomes harder to click on everything posted in your Facebook or Twitter feed. As a result, it's more important than ever (as a content producer) to think about your approach to headlines - whether that's in your blog posts, Facebook link titles or Twitter posts.

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February 15

MailChimp for Small Businesses Part 2

I am confident that you have read the first post in the series, MailChimp for Small Businesses Part 1. If not, take a second to read it. It is important that you understand the basics of email marketing before going on. Getting in the right mindset is a good start to your strategy. I apologize if the series goes a little slow, but I want to be sure that every small business is able to understand and get themselves going.

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