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February 11

Facebook Pages Get the Profile Treatment

One of the first things we always tell folks when they're starting to establish a presence on Facebook is the importance of setting up a personal profile (Dave Kemick) before you create a business page for your company or brand (protocol 80). Even if you don't want a personal profile it's a necessity, but up until very recently the functionality of one versus the other could be quite confusing. Do I invite people to events from my personal profile or business page? Can I post as my business, or does everything have to go through my own profile? Fortunately a lot of this just got a whole lot easier with the launch of the new redesigned Facebook pages and page functionality! Let's run down the brand new goodies...

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February 10

MailChimp for Small Businesses Part 1

We get asked by many small businesses about email marketing. Some of them have dabbled in email marketing with little consistency and some have been sending groups of emails from Outlook for the past couple of years. After seeing other small businesses sending more professional email services, these small businesses see some potential for themselves. This will be the start to a series to get yourself started with email marketing, more specifically using the MailChimp platform. We must start with the extreme basics.

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February 09

Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses – Part 6

Holy cow! We're into our 6th post on mobile marketing for small businesses already! If you are terrified because you missed one or all of the first 5 posts, fear not, here's a recap:

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Native Vs. HTML 5 Mobile Apps

So your small business has decided to invest in a mobile app of some sort. You know that it's important to be accessible to your potential customers and since they're all looking at their smartphones most of the time, even when they probably shouldn't be, it's about time you create a mobile experience that will be finger friendly and give them access to relevant information about your product or service quickly and easily.

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The 2011 Super Bowl Commercials Were Less Than Social

The hype before the Super Bowl claimed that this years group of ads would be pushing social. The new way for big brands to communicate with their audience with a new way to achieve a positive ROI...which can be tough given the cost of a 30 second spot. One benefit of a social promoting ad is that if you reach your audience and get them to follow you, will be be able to continually communicate with them months after the Super Bowl.

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February 04

The Kenneth Cole Tweet Heard Round The World

UPDATE: Check out my follow up post on ways Kenneth Cole could have avoided Tweet-Hell!

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February 03

Is "The Daily" a killer app?

Wednesday was the big unveiling of Rupert Murdoch's iPad-only magazine called "The Daily." We had the live stream of the event rocking in the protocol 80 office and the general consensus was that it's a pretty cool app. Now having had some time to play with the app's various features I think it's a pretty compelling reason to own an iPad (for now, Rupert Murdoch mentioned they were planning versions for other devices), and it's the most interesting take on tablet news I've seen so far.

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February 02

The Android Market Web Store

It isn't only on your Android device anymore. If you are an Android lover like myself, you probably heard about the Androd 3.0 event today. One of the big takeaways for me was the announcement of a web version of the Android Market, the Android Market Web Store.

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February 01

Being #1 In Google May Mean You're #1 in Bing

I read an interesting article on Search Engine Land today that may impact some of our clients' rankings in Bing. According to the article, Bing has been mining Google search results to enhance their own search results. What the heck does that mean you ask? Think of it like cheating on a test, where you look at your neighbor's answers to fill in your test answers. The theory that Google has tested and says they have verified indicates that Microsoft is using Internet Explorer's suggested sites feature and the Bing search bar to monitor what users search for in Google, and show the same 1st search result in Bing. I Don't Care Whether It's Right Or Wrong The article debates whether what Microsoft is allegedly doing is illegal, right, wrong, etc... If you look at what Google has done with their image search results display, they basically copied Bing's. While I think it is both sneaky and clever at the same time, I don't particularly care. All that matters to me is that our SEO clients' ...

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