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January 31

Are you on Quora?

There's a new website that has become pretty popular in the tech community called Quora, and I had ignored it up until recently. I mainly saw it through Twitter - for example I'd see someone tweet about answering a question on Quora - but I never knew what the heck it was. For my benefit just as much as yours I decided to give it a look.

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January 28

Using Facebook for Your Small Business - Part 7

You have already read the first 6 parts of the Facebook for Small Business series, right? Now it's time to talk about analytics. If you need to do some catching up, here are the first 6 parts to the series.

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January 27

Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses - Part 5

Welcome back for the 5th post in my series on using mobile for marketing as a small business! Check out my previous posts in the series:

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January 26

5 Ways Twitter Is Making RSS Obsolete

Be honest here: do you subscribe to RSS feeds? More importantly, if you do subscribe to RSS feeds, do you actively monitor them and read the content posted to them or do you ignore it or forget to look? It's no secret that a lot of news stories are being broken on Twitter before they're seen anywhere else in today's news stream, and as a result more folks are turning to the ever-popular social website not just to communicate, but to learn. Here are three reasons that Twitter is becoming the one-stop shop to get your news, and why RSS is becoming less-important to mere mortals.

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January 25

A Look Back at the Internet in 2010

A couple of weeks ago Royal Pingdom posted some stats on what happened with the Internet in 2010. Some of the statistics were surprising and definitely interesting. What does it mean for small businesses. Let's take a look.

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January 25

Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses - Part 4

Hello again! Thanks for checking out this 4th post in our series on using mobile marketing to promote your small business! Many of the topics we discuss apply just as much to a medium or large business, but we try to focus predominantly on small businesses.

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January 21

Shorten Your Tweets With These Handy Tools

I'll admit it, I like words. A masterfully-composed written thought is something I can admire from time-to-time. Unfortunately for me, that makes getting my point across in one Twitter update incredibly inconvenient. More often than not I'm struggling to shrink a tweet by a handful of characters and have to sacrifice an entire word to make everything fit. In fact, the art of fitting a complete thought into a tweet has almost become a game to me. The good news is that there are other people in the world that either have the same struggles as I do or recognize that brevity isn't everyone's strong suit, and they have therefore made some awesome services that make shortening up your tweets much easier.

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January 20

Business After Hours Recap

First, we would like to thank everyone that came out to the business after hours to make it a huge success. We would also like to thank the other sponsors, Tortugas Restaurant and Benefit Concepts, Ltd.. Finally, we cannot forget to thank Ron Orris and the Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce!

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January 19

Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses – Part 3

So far we've talked about the different categories of mobile devices and what some of the marketing options are for each category. The question in this post is how do you know which group(s) you want to target? Let's look at some data to get a better idea of which categories you should focus on.

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January 19

Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses - Part 2

Welcome back for another exciting adventure in the world of mobile marketing! If you are just joining us and missed the first post in this series, I recommend reading it first. It will give you a baseline level of understanding of what the various types of mobile devices are:

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