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December 30

Time to Review Your 2010 Web Marketing Strategies

The year has come to an end. I assume at some point throughout the year you tried some sort of web marketing strategy whether it was SEO, social media, Yellow Pages, PPC, etc. As a small business it's time that you make sure your marketing dollars are being used where they are most effective and adjust accordingly.

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December 28

How to Measure Success on Facebook

As an employee or owner of a small business you may have already invested some time into Facebook - you setup a business page, added photos and relevant information, and even post regularly with the latest company happenings or with the useful information found on your blog. Now that you’ve put in all of that hard work, how can you measure the degree to which your time spent is paying off?

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December 27

New to Twitter?

You have finally decided to step into the world that is Twitter? Is this business or personal? Well, either way I am a firm believer that you don't enjoy what you are doing you won't stick with it long enough to reap the benefits. Here are some basics on where to start.

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Weekly Round-Up (12/20/10 - 12/24/10)

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! We hope everyone is having a great day spending time with friends and family. If you missed any of our blog posts from the past week take a look below for a round-up!

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December 23

Make Your Own QR Codes and Facebook Window Signs

It's no secret that we love to use social media and QR codes to help promote our small business. Moreover, we love to help our clients do the same for their SMBs, so we've created some handy tools to help you drive traffic to your website or facebook page from your storefront and product advertising!

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December 22

Last Minute Holiday PPC Reminders

You probably have all of your holiday shopping done, you're getting ready to travel or have guests, and you already have a big holiday dinner dessert on your mind. But don't let your brain leave work yet...you can't forget about your PPC campaigns. There are probably a few things you should do before leaving the office for several days.

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December 21

Small Business Owners, Start Using Facebook Please

How many times have you heard a small business owner say they are avoiding Facebook? Or maybe you've heard, we haven't started using facebook for business yet because we don't think it fits with our target audience. I won't lie, that might be true. I would be willing to bet though, that in most cases, it'n not really.

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December 20

Increase Your Small Business SEO Surface Area

Enter Dead Horse... Yes, yet another post about why you need to be blogging. If the charts I shared earlier weren't motivation enough, what about the impact of blogging on small business search engine optimization? Most of our small business prospects and clients are familiar with SEO and want help with their site's ranking in the engines.

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December 20

Online Tools for Small Business Management & Communication

This past weekend one of my favorite websites for keeping up with tech and social news, Mashable, posted an interesting article about the 23 free web-based tools that small to medium-sized businesses are asking for now. The idea was to illicit a response on Twitter from folks working for or running an SMB regarding which online tools were most-vital to their daily operations and, in some cases, the best areas for improvement or new opportunities for tools to be created where a given need exists.

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December 20

Why Small Businesses Should Be Blogging More

As a follow up to my post last week on staying regular with blogging :), I wanted to touch on some actual data for added motivation to start or keep blogging. I came across several great charts that touch on the power of blog content and the benefit to businesses so I wanted to share some of my favorites:

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