20 Buyer's Journey Statistics to Aid a Successful Marketing Strategy
The buyer's journey is the research and decision-making process a buyer goes through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service.
Read moreHow to Record, Edit, & Share Videos with Vidyard
Did you know almost 80% of all internet traffic is video streaming? In 2020, your potential customers prefer watching video content over reading your sales emails or your web page.
Read moreChecklist: Social Media for Business & Effective Online Marketing
Social media for business can be daunting when you're tasked with creating relevant, engaging posts that will draw your audience to your site. We all know the feeling of sitting in front of an empty Facebook post composer, not sure where to go next! When you get stuck, use this checklist guide to keep your gears moving, and your leads flowing.
Read more13 Must-Know Marketing KPIs for Manufacturers
Imagine how frustrating it would be to run a business if you never checked your KPIs. Imagine how difficult it would be if you didn't even know what your KPIs were. Talk about shots in the dark. So why would it be any different for your marketing success? Much like you want to limit your reject ratio and optimize your take time, you must have a go-to set of KPIs to monitor and optimize your marketing. The following KPIs are broken down by stages of the inbound marketing funnel.
Read more5 Ways to Win at Social Media B2B Lead Generation
Social media marketing matters. Even for B2B companies. Social media has the potential to generate B2B leads for your business while being cost-effective. Other than a little bit of labor expense, social media marketing is virtually free. Your B2B prospects are already sharing information online. It’s time to make that information yours.
Read more4 Steps to B2B Networking Using LinkedIn
LinkedIn used to have a reputation of housing recent college graduates begging for a job. But now, businesses have noticed it has evolved into a networking empire where leaders in all industries are engaging in world-changing conversations.
Read moreThe 5 P's of a Successful Manufacturing Marketing Strategy
What does every successful marketing strategy have in common? Look closely and you'll find these 5 traits in every aspect of the campaign:
Read moreEvaluate Your B2B Brand Awareness Strategy With These 4 Metrics
If a member of your team asked you how to measure brand awareness, what would you say?
Read more6 Ways to Write to a B2B Audience Persona
Before you start writing blogs, before you even start an inbound marketing campaign, you need to know who your audience is and how to talk to them. If you’re not truly speaking to them, you may as well be talking with a mouthful of crackers.
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