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March 05

Applying Your B2B Buyer Persona to Healthcare Technology Marketing

A B2B buyer persona is an extremely valuable resource for digital marketers in industries with long sales cycles. And once you have one fully developed, it can really begin to improve your content marketing, especially for niche industries such as healthcare technology.

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March 03

The Rise of Account-Based Marketing & Extreme Personalization

There's a B2B marketing challenger rising through the ranks of jargon and experimental techniques. It's been around for years but has only recently taken off (as many things are wont to do).

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February 24

5 SaaS Demo Best Practices to Win in a Flooded Market

I don’t know about you, but I probably see at least 4-5 ads a day that scream “FREE TRIAL!” or “7-DAY FREE DEMO,” whether it’s for Disney+ or a contact management software. Seeing so many demos out there on the market got me thinking about how successful these companies actually are.

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February 22

How a B2B Content Marketing Strategy Uses Storytelling to Drive Leads

Quality -- and not just quantity -- is an essential part of a B2B content marketing strategy. Without quality content, you’ll have no valuable information to provide your prospects, and they’ll find it elsewhere on the internet instead.

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February 17

21 Stats for (re)Developing a B2B Digital Marketing Strategy in 2021

You’ve spent months creating what you think is a solid marketing strategy. You’ve collected information. You’ve developed a buyer persona. You know the tactics you’ll use. And you’ve set goals.

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February 17

10 Lead Generation Strategies for Your B2B Buyer Persona [Infographic]

Forget direct mail. Forget cold calling. Forget TV ads, radio ads, and billboards. Why? Because they're a complete waste of your time and resources. You need to leave behind everything you know about marketing and open yourself up to the wonderful world of modern lead generation techniques (which are all a part of inbound marketing).

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February 17

(WEBINAR) Video Content Marketing: Producing for the Buyer’s Journey

The phrase “video content marketing” used to hold little relevance to major companies back before social media platforms became a hotbed for curious consumers. In fact, blogs, web copy, and other written text have dominated the world of marketing for several years.

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January 18

10 B2B Inbound Marketing Tips for the Dedicated DIY-er

When we approach an inbound partnership with a prospective client, they often ask: "Can we do some of this ourselves?" Inbound is pretty flexible. Some of our clients rely on us for everything (and I do mean everything) while others prefer to keep their social media activities, blog writing, or premium content production in-house. Do you fall in the second category? Or, do you want to try your hand at inbound marketing before committing to an agency? Here's what you need to know about DIY inbound.

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January 18

VIDEO: Relationship Selling Techniques in 2021

Nobody expected COVID-19 to wreck 2020 the way that it did. With an abrupt shutdown of thousands upon thousands of facilities, nearly the entire B2B market went digital. As a result, more than ever consumers want things on demand and as fast as possible.

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January 12

VIDEO: LinkedIn for B2B Sales Is an Incredible Business Opportunity

(This guest post is written by Curt Anderson, founder of B2Btail, author, and noted LinkedIn influencer.) It’s not a question anymore whether you should be on LinkedIn, it’s now how you should be on LinkedIn. Although you may feel comfortable with your current profile, are you truly maximizing your business opportunities on LinkedIn?

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